Sunday 9 December 2012

The internet is exploding with webcam sites, although they have been around for quite a few years, the technology has been changing quite a lot as well as everyone has faster internet access these days, this means better quality pictures/video broadcasts. Im very surprised that the live chat webcam market has not been affected by the recession, just about every single other industry has been affected by the recession/economic downturn of the past few years, the internet is no different - yes sales are gradually moving online and this has enormously effected offline sales and how companies market their products and services, but plenty of internet/online companies have gone under in the past few years, people generally have much less disposable income to spend these days - as well as being very carefull about what they spend their money on, this is a worldwide situation - although some countries/markets have been hit worse than others, so yes i was very surprised to see the growth in the online webcam sex market as it has seen steady growth since the internets inception, partly as i mentioned because the technology has made it more accessible as well as more entertaining etc.